Protected monument on the verge of complete destruction

Destructive actions are continuing on the protected monument of the Catholic Church complex in Prizren. In circumstances still unknown for the authorities, half of this cultural heritage monument has already collapsed; this has happened after several cases of fire. Up to now, interventions for the purpose of conservation and protection of this facility have been ignored by the responsible institutions.

Regarding the fire event in the building near the Zonja Ndihmëtare Cathedral, police investigators had interviewed several people but there has been no further announcement on the course of the investigation.

A year ago, the Cultural Heritage Council of the Historic Centre of Prizren asked the institutions to investigate the case and to establish an emergency rescue fund by the MCYS and the Municipality of Prizren for damages repair and interventions in all Facilities that are at risk of collapse to prevent degradation in the protected area.
In relation to the protected monument within the complex of the Catholic Church in Prizren, no protective action has been taken, leaving it exposed to the risk of total destruction.
